Past Meetings of the DC ANS Local Section (April 2010 and Earlier)
Eugene Grecheck
Vice President Nuclear Development, Dominion – Apr 2010
Moving the Renaissance to Reality: Opportunities and Challenges
Tom Sanders
President, ANS – March 2010
Defining a Role for a “Right Sized Reactor”
John D. Boice, Jr., Sc.D.
International Epidemiology Institute; Vanderbilt University; and
The Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center – February 2010
Radiation, Epidemiology, and Cancer
Ralph A. Butler, P.E. & Dr. David W. Nigg, P.E.
October 2009
The Critical Need for Nuclear Medicine Radioisotopes and Research —
Missouri University Research Reactors’ Radioisope Production and BNCT Research
View Ralph Butler’s presentation
View David Nigg’s presentation
Marvin S. Fertel
President and Chief Executive Officer
Nuclear Energy Institute – September 2009
The Nuclear Renaissance — Where are We and Where are we Going?
NS Savannah Tour
Dr. Bruce Mallet
Deputy Executive Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs
Nuclear Regulatory Commission – April 2009
Challenges Facing the NRC on Reactor License Renewal and International Collaborations
Dr. William Burchill
President, American Nuclear Society – March 2009
The U.S. Nuclear Renaissance and the Challenges It Presents
George Vanderheyden
President and CEO, UniStar Nuclear Energy, LLC – February 2009
New, Advanced Nuclear Energy Development in the U.S. – Progress on Unistar’s Calvert Cliff-3 Project
View presentation
Craig Piercy
American Nuclear Society – November 2008
National Energy Policy Forum
A National Energy Policy Forum on “Perspectives from the Democratic and Republican Presidential Candidates’ Campaigns” was hosted by the Washington, D.C. Section of the American Nuclear Society on September 18, 2008, at Positano Ristorante Italiano in Bethesda, Maryland. Co-hosts for the evening included the Baltimore-Washington Chapter of the Health Physics Society, Nuclear Energy Institute, North American Young Generation in Nuclear, U.S. Women in Nuclear, and the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Chapter. Financial support for the Forum was provided by a number of local organizations, including EnergySolutions, Entergy, EXCEL, MNES, NEI, Northrop Grumman, Babcock & Wilcox, and Numark Associates, Inc.
The event was attended by more than 160 nuclear professionals with a broad range of interests in nuclear science and technology. After presentations by the two campaign representatives, the moderator posed questions to the speakers based on written questions from the audience. These questions covered a wide range of subjects including the issues of spent nuclear fuel reprocessing, Yucca Mountain, interim storage at reactor sites vs. a repository, new reactor construction, workforce and national fabrication facility limitations, DOE laboratory closings, and research for nuclear technologies.
Because of the nature of the Forum, the Washington D.C. area is an ideal location to hold such events, and it is hoped that some feedback from the various questions will be taken back to the candidates for their consideration.
Photo: National Energy Policy Forum participants from right to left:
Mr. Llewellyn King (moderator), Mr. KP Lau (representing Sen. McCain’s campaign), and the Honorable Albert Wynn (representing Sen. Obama’s campaign).