
For the May 2017 DC ANS dinner meeting, Mr. Robert Coward, Principal Officer of MPR Associates, Inc. and incoming American Nuclear Society President, 2017-2018, will be speaking on:

Capturing Opportunity — the Importance and Role of Nuclear Power Looking Forward

Click here for Mr. Coward’s full bio.

Bob Coward is Principal Officer of MPR Associates, a world leading Specialty Engineering and Technical Services Company, a position he was promoted to in January, 2009.  In this overall MPR Leadership role, Bob is responsible for all aspects of MPR performance in all engineering disciplines and all business sectors.  Prior to becoming Principal Officer, Bob was responsible for leading all of MPR’s services to the nuclear power sector world wide.

He graduated with honors from Duke University in 1983 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and his career has focused on the technical details of the design and evaluation of nuclear power plants, maintaining this focus as he transitioned to company leadership.

During his career at MPR, he has worked on over 100 electric generating plants world wide, including 58 of the 65 US nuclear power plant sites.  Through that work he has been on-site at 34 of the 65 US nuclear power plants.  His specific expertise includes work in the areas of system performance, safety analysis, and project management, as well as the design and development of new nuclear power plants.  Mr. Coward participates on the NEI Nuclear Strategic Issues Advisory Committee and Supplier Advisory Committee, and is recognized as a key industry leader in the safe and reliable operation of the existing US nuclear power plants.  He has also had important and influential industry roles in the design, licensing and development of new nuclear power plants, with leadership roles on the EPRI Advanced Light Water Reactor Program, the DOE NP2010 Program, as well as leading the STP 3&4 project to construct two ABWRs at the STP site in Texas.  He also has important senior advisory roles in the projects to prepare the Design Certification submittal for the NuScale SMR design and the ABWR Design Certification renewal.

As Principal Officer of MPR, Mr. Coward regularly engages with nuclear industry executive leadership to be knowledgeable of industry needs and guide MPR to address those challenges and contribute to industry success.  Mr. Coward regularly serves on “blue ribbon panels” in support of clients and industry groups addressing important design, regulatory, and operational challenges regarding advanced reactor systems, extended power uprates, safety system performance, significant event evaluations, and new plant projects.  A special skill is leading multi-organization and multi-discipline teams to achieve their missions and deliver excellence, with a focus on collaboration and teamwork.

Finally, a focus of Mr. Coward’s efforts in his leadership role at MPR is the professional development of the MPR technical staff, including both technical expertise and leadership capabilities.

Bob is a registered Professional Engineer, and is Vice President/President-Elect (2016/2017) of the American Nuclear Society.  He lives in Alexandria, VA with his wife Kelley.  Together they have five children.  He enjoys time on the golf course, basketball court, and beach, as well as a tough technical challenge.

Click here to make your reservation via e-mail, type in your name/affiliation and any guest names, and click SEND to the indicated RSVP e-mail address by no later than 5 pm, Thursday, May 15, 2017*.


Due to NRC security requirements, attendees must sign up NO LATER than 5 pm on May 15, 2017.

A government issued photo ID must be presented at NRC security.


*NOTE:  If you would like to attend, please include your name, your company’s name, a contact phone #, and email address in your RSVP email.  

 *Also, please note that by registering, you are agreeing to paying for the dinner whether you attend or not because ANS is otherwise responsible for the cost of the food. 

On site registration is allowed but on a first-come, first-served basis as food is ordered in advance so advance registration is preferred.


$15.00 for students
$30.00 for members
$35.00 for non members

Member Status

Location: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Auditorium

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

11555 Rockville Pike

Rockville, MD 20852

 The White Flint metro station is directly across the street, and there is street parking and a metro parking garage.

Phone: 301-415-7000

Website: http://www.nrc.gov/about-nrc/locations/hq.html

NOTE: All attendees should enter the One White Flint North building (corner of Rockville Pike and Marinelli) and report to the guard desk in the lobby.
Once registered, you will be directed to the NRC Auditorium. Please bring photo identification such as a state issued drivers license for registration with NRC security.

global-search-icon Click here for a map link to the venue

Date: May 17, 2017 (Wednesday)

Registration/Social: 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Dinner: 6:30 – 7:00 PM
Presentation: 7:00 – 8:00PM

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